
Beatriz Pinho
Ao estar neste projeto, tive a oportunidade de descobrir novas culturas, um novo país, pessoas com personalidades diferentes que me fizeram crescer e ganhar mais experiência, como por exemplo ao fazer novas amizades, pelas quais estou grata.
A Eslovénia é um país lindo, onde fui bem acolhida pela família e pelas outras pessoas. Nós estávamos num país longe de casa num mundo completamente diferente e isso fez-nos desenvolver a nossa personalidade e fez-nos mais autónomos.
A nossa visão de ver o mundo, muda com este tipo de projetos. Os hábitos das diversas pessoas, fazem-nos ficar com uma mente mais aberta, o que é muito importante hoje em dia.
Em conclusão, eu acho que nós devemos estar sempre gratos pelas oportunidades que este projeto nos dá porque fazemos novas amizades e memórias que nós nunca nos iremos esquecer e aprendemos coisas que nos serão sempre úteis para a nossa vida.
While being part of this project, I had the opportunity to find out new cultures, a new country, and people with different personalities that made me grow up and gain more experience such as making new friendships that I am grateful for.
Slovenia is a beautiful country, where I was well welcomed by the host family and other people. We were far away from home in a completely different “world” and that developed our personality and made us be more autonomous.
Our vision to see the world, changes with this type of projects, of exchanges to different countries. The habits of the diverse people make us have more open minded, which is very important nowadays.
In conclusion, I think we should always be grateful for the opportunities this project provides us because we make friendships and memories that we won’t ever forget and learn things that will be useful for our life.
Beatriz Pinho, 10 I, 2017

Mara Gonçalves
This project gave me a one of a kind type of experience and I couldn’t be more grateful for it.
I got to discover a new side of myself, and I can say I needed that.
I felt at home in Slovenia, I felt welcomed and couldn’t be more grateful for Stella and her family.
Slovenia was a getaway for me, I escaped reality for a few moments and felt alive, I met so many different people but all of them had something in common, all of them had the urge to know more, to experience more.
I can never forget the people I met, the experiences I had and the family I gained and with that being said I can finish by saying that being in Slovenia made me realize how life can be enjoyable and how you should appreciate every little place you step in because you’ll most likely make memories that you’ll treasure throughout your life.
Mara Gonçalves, 10 I, 2017