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Catarina Araújo

My input/ impressions on the Erasmus+’s project trip to Finland

In this text I’m going to describe some of the key points, likes and dislikes I personally found whilst on Finland representing my school (Escola secundária de Almeida Garrett, Portugal) and my class 11th I.

What I loved seing the most was a sort of dead nature in all finnish landscapes, along with beautiful people all over Hyviinka, the city we visited.

We were kindly received by Hyria Education’s schools and all the teachers and students involved in the project and were given everything we needed in order to have a good trip.

My favourite moment was probably when we went to Hyria’s agriculture school and got to be a little more in touch with a much more practic and dynamic teaching system.

Overall, I could say the most tricky part of the whole trip was how shy and closed most students were, to the point of not being able to plan a lot of fun activities.

In all honesty, I enjoyed the experience of being mostly by myself in a foreign and extremely different country and would absolutely love to repeat it if I could.


Catarina Araújo, 11 I,  2017

Sara Pereira

My input/ impressions on the Erasmus+’s project trip to Finland

I’m going to talk about some of the experiences that I had on the trip to Finland while representing my school, Escola Secundária Almeida Garrett, and my class 11ºI.

My classmate Catarina and I were welcomed by Hyria Education’s schools, their students and teachers that were working in the project. They prepare us really nice and fun activities to learn about Finland.

One of my favorite activities was walking around Helsinki by my own and discover new places. Everything was different and the beautiful and unique landscape made the trip worth it.  

Even though I learned a lot about the country and his rich history, most of the people evolved in the project were very close and shy, because of this it was hard to communicate and plan things to do after school.

But in the end everything was worth it, it was the most remarkable experience I had so far and I definably would do it again.

Sara Pereira 11ºI



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Escola Secundária Almeida Garrett

February 2017

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